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GOOGLE ADVERTISING PROFESSIONAL (GAP) - Google launched the Google Advertising Professional (GAP) program to meet the increasing need for skilled AdWords professionals and to build popularity and trust for Google AdWords. Individuals and companies can earn qualified status for GAP by passing the Google Advertising Professionals exam and meeting a My Client Center account management criteria. Click here for detailed information about Google Advertising Professional (GAP)

GATEWAY PAGE - Same as 'Doorway pages'.

GEO-TARGETING - Geo targeting is a sponsored search program feature that enables advertisers to target ads by geographical region. Using geo-targeting, different content can be delivered to websites visitors based on their geographical location. Geographical location of a website visitor can be determined using information such as country, state, zip code, postal code, IP address or ISP etc.

GOOGLE ANALYTICS - It’s a free service/program provided by Google to generate detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. It’s a great help for webmasters in finding areas for improvement in their website. Once you claim your domain ownership in Google analytics, it will provide a code that you can embed in all pages of the domain, whose statistics you want to monitor.

GOOGLE BOMBING - Google bombing refers to the process of getting excessive external links to a particular page in a website, using a specific anchor so that it ranks higher in search results for a keyword/key phrase for which it will not rank otherwise.

GOOGLE CACHE - Google keeps a back-up of indexed pages in form of web cache so that in case the original page is unavailable due to some reason, visitors can still see what it looked like when it was last available. The Google cache version of a web page can be checked using the ‘Cache:’ operator, followed by the URL of the page. The same functionality is also available from ‘PageRank’ button on Google toolbar, using the option ‘Cached snapshot of page’.

GOOGLE CHECKOUT - It’s an online payment processing service offered by Google. Users can store their credit or debit card credentials in their Google account profile, which can then be accessed at a click to make a purchase.

GOOGLE DANCE - When various Google data centers’ information is synchronized and new indexing data is pushed, the changes it causes are called Google dance. From 2000 to 2003 Google dance used to occur once a month. Later Google started incremental index update in which it will make some index updates every day, so the changes caused are rather unnoticeable.

GOOGLE JUICE - When a website gets a one way link from another website, the website getting back link is benefited in terms of Page Rank, Trust and Authority from Google, and it’s called Google Juice.

GOOGLE SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX - When the number of results for a particular search term fall below a certain minimum, Google shows results from its supplemental index. Web pages are put into supplemental index as a cache version of a page that seize to exist or pages with duplicate content which Google considers would not be of any value to the users.

GOOGLE XML SITEMAPS - It’s a XML based file that includes listing of URLs from a website. It’s intended to accelerate the indexing process for web pages, which may be hard to discover for the search robots otherwise. Remember, it’s a hint for the search robots not a command.

GOOGLEBOT - It’s a short term for Google search robot. Search robots are intended to automate complex tasks like discovering new content on the web, analyzing content changes and building the search index.

GOOGLEWHACK - A Google whack is an elusive 2 words query (without quotes) that returns a single result.

GREY HAT SEO - It’s a SEO approach in which both White Hat as well as Black Hat SEO tactics are followed altogether.

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