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DATA REFRESH - When a search engine refreshes data within existing algorithm, its called data refresh. Data refresh generally hardly imparts any noticeable changes. The smallest type of date refresh is an index update.

DATABASE DRIVEN - Database driven web pages are pages that grab content/information from some database every time they are accessed. Database-driven web pages provide greater flexibility in terms of sorting and organizing big huge amount of data. These are particularly useful for e-commerce website having large number of pages for their online catalog. Another term used for database driven web pages is ‘dynamic web pages’.

DAUGHTER WINDOW - A daughter window is a separate window that appears on some click within ads. The purpose of daughter window is to provide some additional information.

DEEP SUBMITTING - Deep Submitting is the process of submitting URLs of page that exist deep down in the hierarchy of a website, to search engines. Some search engines do not encourage this practice as it clutters their index.

DEEP LINKING - Deep linking is a practice that facilitates the indexing of pages that exist deep in hierarchy of a web site. This is done by connecting the deep down/low level pages to the home page or some other important page. A website ‘A’ linking to some deep down page of website ‘B’ would also be considered as doing deep linking.

DIRECTORY - A directory is an alphabetical index of items that belong to a specific category. A directory website organizes and maintains information about other sites on the web, organized in various categories. A directory functions like a central repository of information. Examples of directories are Yahoo!, Open Directory, and LookSmart etc.

DOORWAY PAGES - Doorway pages are specially constructed page, intended to target a particular key phrase in search results without actually serving any purpose for the visitors. They are no good for users and considered to be a Black Hat SEO practice. Doorway pages are generally not connected to rest of the website; however if they are, they are redirected to some other page containing advertisements etc.

DUPLICATE CONTENT - The phenomenon of existence of same or extremely similar content on multiple URL on the web is referred as duplicate content. Some SEO marketing practices like article marketing and PR marketing, lead to duplicate content. Google recently announced that they would devaluate links with duplicate content.

DYNAMIC ROTATION - It’s the method for rotating ads in a dynamic fashion (rotating or random basis), so that users can be exposed to different ads.

DYNAMIC WEBSITE - Same as database driven website.

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