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BACK LINKS - Back-links can be defined as your website URL references on other websites on the web. It could be simply your website or any other internal page’s URL. In other words back-links are other websites linking back to you. Back-links are considered very important for search engine positioning.

BANNER - A banner is a graphic image that typically runs across the top or bottom of a web page and is used for advertising some product or service. The standard banner is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high.

BEACON - Beacon is an part of Facebook targeted advertisement system. Facebook Beacon sends information from other websites to Facebook.

BEYOND THE BANNER - It’s an approach that advocates not involving standard GIF and JPEG banner ads. It states there are other more influential ways to communicate the marketing message on the Internet.

BID MANAGEMENT TOOLS - Bid management tools are software or online services to automate the keyword bidding process on pay per click search engines.

BIDDING - In Online marketing context, bidding refers to making a price offer for advertisement placement in various pay per click search engines. The highest bid for a keyword gets top placement in search results.

BLACK HAT SEO - Black hat SEO refers to using unethical means and deceptive techniques to rank higher in organic search results; for example hidden text, doorway pages, cloaking and invisible text etc. These techniques could get the website rank higher momentarily however once spotted by search engines, can even get the websites banned.

BLOG - A blog or weblog is similar to an online journal where users write about their area on interest; and the process is called blog posting. Visitors with similar interest read these posts and can make comments etc. Blogs typically have reverse chronological order and are updated daily.

BODY COPY - It’s the textual content of a website that typically covers all the information it’s intended to convey. It’s the actual content as distinguished from headlines, subheadings, logo, captions of illustrations, and the like.

BOTS - Its short form of the term robots or search robots. Robots are meant to perform automated tasks on the Internet. Search robots scan the web and prepare an index of the web pages visited. They are also called spiders.

BRIDGE PAGE - Another term for doorway pages; bridge pages are made specifically to alter search engine rankings illegitimately.

BROAD MATCH - This is one of the keyword matching options in Google Adwords. This is also the default option. It allows your ad to show on similar phrases and relevant variations.

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